04/06 - Junior Murvin - Muggers In The Street - (2015 Vynil Reissue) – LP – Greensleeves Records

Junior Murvin R.I.P is of course best known for his massive hit from 1976 - "Police and Thieves" with his falsetto vocal, produced by Lee Perry, that was later to be covered by The Clash.
But Junior Murvin had more than one big moment in his career after the Black Ark's collaborations.
Passing through Joe Gibbs in 1980 with "Time Stiff" for example, Mikey Dread with "Bad Man Posse", or either this set produced by Junjo Lawes in 1984 and backed by the GREATEST Roots Radics band, they are all great moments from Murvin.
Fortunately Greensleeves is bringing back this absolutely classic set in 2015 for the joy of all the authentic music fans.
Another absolutely unmisseble LP Reissue of this Greensleeves classic on the 21st century !

1 - Judas And Jesus
2 - Champagne And Wine
3 - Jahova's Children
4 - Strikes And Demonstrations
5 - Muggers In The Street
6 - Stop The Crime
7 - Jamaican Girls
8 - Hook Line And Sinker
9 - Think Twice
10 - I'll Follow You