2017/11/14 - Mixtape Reggae Portugal 40th Aniversary Greensleeves Records

One of the most charismatic and important label in the story of Reggae Music, from UK to the World.
I've been honoured with the special request for a Mixtape to be done (i must confess that this is the 1st mixtape ever done since the project started 21 years ago) to comemorate from Portugal to the World the 40th Aniversary of Greensleeves Record label.
Hopefully everyone will feel pleasure in listen the almost 2 hours of duration, exactly the same sort of pleasure i did have in making it, with some surprises in the middle !


Thanks to all Labels, Artists and Bands. If you want to Promote your Material from Portugal to the World, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

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